Buildin system handler

The system handler is available by default and is included in the base ArduRPC library.

Function details

uint8_t getProtocolVersion()

Get the protocol version. At the moment this should be 0.

RPC_ARRAY getLibraryVersion()

Return the library version as RPC_ARRAY with three elements of uint8 type.

  1. Major version
  2. Minor version
  3. Patch level
uint16_t getMaxPacketSize()

Return the maximum packet size (header + data) in bytes.

RPC_VARRAY getFunctionList()

Get a list of all functions. The result has 2 columns.

  1. The first column is a unsigned char and represents the internal ID.
  2. The second column is a unsigned char and represents the type of the function.
RPC_VARRAY getHandlerList()

Get a list of all handlers. The result has 2 columns.

  1. The first column is a unsigned char and represents the internal ID of the handler.
  2. The second column is an unsigned short and represents the type of the handler.
RPC_CARRAY getHandlerName(uint8_t handler_id)

Get the handler name by a given ID.

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